1) Indefinite articles: a, an
– before singular countable nouns, when you mention something for the first time and
when you’re not being specific.
– I need to book a flight.
– He wants to deliver an exceptionally well-prepared presentation.
2) Definite article: the
– before singular countable nouns, plural countable nouns and uncountable nouns when
you are being specific
– before singular countable nouns, when you are talking generally
– The man sitting in the corner is my manager. (specific)
– We will work on the suggestions we generated in the meeting. (specific)
– The computer is an ever-changing machine. (general)
3) Zero article: (you don’t add anything before the noun)
– before plural countable nouns, when you are talking generally
– before uncountable nouns, when you are talking generally
– People are adaptable creatures.
– I need time and money.