Adjectives and Adverbs: the Order of Adverbs

In English, we can put adverbs and adverb phrases at the front, in the middle or at the end of a sentence or clause. Different types of adverbs go in different places.

The front position

Suddenly, the power went out, bringing our presentation to a halt.

The middle position (between the subject and the main verb)

She always stays up-to-date with the latest industry trends and developments.

The end position

The team completed the project successfully and efficiently.

Adverbs of manner, place and time usually come in the end position of a clause or sentence. The order of adverbs generally follows the pattern of manner, place, and time. 

Of course, not every sentence will contain all three types of adverbs and there are exceptions, but in general, following this order will help to create clear and natural-sounding sentences.

  • Adverbs of manner describe how an action is done and they typically come before adverbs of place and time. 

For example: She speaks confidently in every meeting. 

The adverb “confidently” describes how she speaks and it comes before “in every meeting”. 

  • Adverbs of place describe where an action takes place and they typically come after adverbs of manner but before adverbs of time. 

For example: He searched for his keys frantically in the living room. 

The adverb “frantically” describes how he searched and it comes before “in the living room,” which describes where he searched.

  • Adverbs of time describe when an action takes place and they typically come after both adverbs of manner and adverbs of place. 

For example: They arrived late at the restaurant last night. 

The adverb “last night” describes when they arrived, and it comes after “at the restaurant,” which describes where they arrived.


  • The CEO spoke confidently to investors at the annual meeting yesterday. 
  • The marketing team advertised the new product heavily on social media last week. 
  • The accountant calculated the company’s profits accurately in the office this morning. 
  • The sales representative presented the proposal persuasively to the client over the phone last night.